Sunday, March 15, 2009

MORNIN EVERY SOUL (: awwh lovely day, sunday. homeworks ahead, drools in mind, love in the air, hunger come and go, bullies kept coming.. oh just so lovely. haha whathell eh. au wah man u kalah. heeeh. dont have to tell me the scores over and over man. i watched the match! shiish.

thank you cintaaa :D for lastnight. vair wonderful. im so awed by you. im suprised, im oh i lop youh! :p

*jimjim msgd me just now. and i was like..*
HEHHH JIM! SAKIT HATI BANAR JUA KAU KAN MAN U! ahahahaha sampai brought up the red card session lagi tu. ahahaha well man u did embarass us lastnight, away kalah, home pun kalah jua. but it doesnt mean that liverpool is the best team. eh wait, JIM KAU MINAT CHELSEA JUA KENAPA KAU SUPPORT LIVERPOOL??! ahahaha damn! fine eh whatever. ahaha aku pulang mental bebalik ani wah. so i do agree liverpool WAS the best team lastnight. but not always :p ah ka siti aaah. you texted me up every goals liverpool scored, macam wth hahaha i get it sis. haha ceh. IF liverpool really is the best team, by now they should atleast have won two cups. amacam? padas nda? hahaha nada wah. lastnight was interesting lah. suprisingly, nada banyak urang msg. yg support arsenal and chelsea pulang bising. lol. banar tah. bah, it aint over yet \m/ good day haha glory glory man utd!

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