Tuesday, February 17, 2009

alright, first of all firsts haha i'd like to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MERUL and HAYLEY and HAFIEZAN :) i got no messages for hayley and hafiezan but i do have some for merul. THANK YOU! for everything. you've always been there for me and i think i didnt appreciate it. YES! i surely do think ive been a piece of ungrateful girl. sooooooo here im begging for forgiveness. but you said i dont have to, but still. ugh jagung eh. anyway, may god bless you and have a wonderful 17 life. uweeee :D

heh, yesterday i was supposed to go out with the gay brothers BUT HAH! whatever lah. but you guys did have fun kan? kan? running and racing and so on. on the other side kan, i was thinking jua, if aku datang tu, i'd spoil it. hehe ouh, so yesterday atu made me realise that i need that amount of time alone. ntah, my brain has been corrupted i guess. yatah when i told them i wont be around, durang marah. sorrrrrrrry ): lets say my day and afternoon yesterday was to the hell pissy, malamnya nda :) pasal pelakian ku tu HAHAHA talur. nada wah. AZRI, HANIF, ZOOL, SHAHRUL, RIZAL, MERUL and JIMJIM, my biggest THANK YOU! you guys made my night. i stopped crying and i laughed! hehehe. kajap eeeeh, ada amanah lagi. FRAMING HANIF NADA TYPO TADI!! oooooyeah. believe it or not. hahaha but sadly, ZOOLIET pulang ada. pasal kamu hangout atu yatah teswitch. telampak ah? hahahaah okay okay. so i wont be around ni and my blog will be on hiatus. people take careee! its getting pretty annoying pulang ni tc ah ahaha bear with it lah. pasal aku sayang kamuuuu. and i have few messages for the seven of you. whoooooooooah! seven?? hahaha okay okay

azri : my onefourone/onefourthree boy hehehe i wont be away for that long. i looooooooooove you! ;p no more 4am. before 12 alright? and remember what i said tadi. ALWAYS remember. dont go home late, jangan bedating sama ia batah batah and and please trust me ):

hanif : my bessstboyfriend? hahahaha joke okay, joke! my bestie, im going to miss all your typos. and buat tia blog! update me. ah? ah? :D and and DONT let that miraclous thing you said happened! awas kauuu. listen to what kaka nad say! NADi katokk ;p

zool : my bebeh! ahahahahahahahahha i cant believe i just typed that! oh my! MALU KU EH! aahahahaha okay stop. thanks buddy for the nice awkward chat tadi. amalican amalican \m/ yea yeaaaa. hahah

shahrul : my kambing :D you said those words tadi! ahaha yea you did though kau nda biasa. still, you did! so sweet of you. haha i guess i owe you twice huh? remind me lah. but but i still want you to do my bet atu. you know, yg have to be my kambing for the rest of my life ah. haaha okay tu yo? :D

rizal : zaaaaaaaaaaaal :D my never-failed-to-put-a-smile-on-me guy ahahha apan. as i said, jangan selalu aher balik, paham? paksa ku cakap balik balik ni. nada sebelum terbit matahari. sebelum terbit tengahmalam! dangar cakap tuan puteri :) muehehe

merul : my buddy \m/ HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ahaha im trying to say it 17 times wah. tapi annoying tia kan? ah yatah nda saya mau tu. thank you thank youu. tunggu stpri contact ah? hahaha if you still know what i mean :)

jimjim : my panda boooi ;p always and alwaaaaaays take care! you send me that picture tadi, i was so shocked! you shouldnt do that or let that happen. dangar? mana ya mendangar tu. heh. ahaha

and to my lovey dovey girlfriends *huuuuuuuuugs* kamu selalu dihati me. selaluuu :D love you girls so much! assalamualaikum.

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