HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NUR HIDAYATUL AFINA HZ aka FINA and AMMAR AINA AR aka AINA :) wish you both the very best in everything.
today we went to tungku beach again. this time, for me, IT WAS HECK FUN! ahaha i know how to ride the anu yg four wheel drive thing atu. EH SIUUUUUK BUI! hahaha aget! siuk lah siuk! suka ku. ambung ku tarus. you know, like i want to play it all the time. i became so stingy and karit and hahahahha ah atu lah :D ganya sakit jari ku menakan minyak. najwan was there to at the beach but he was sleeping the whole time. masa kan balik baru tia bangun. late comer was uda hj amid. kami packing, baru tia datang.
then it rained! ahaah cheh. baru kan menguring guring makanan, ujan tia. so we continued our picnic arah rumah nini. hehe awesome.
this is pidaud's cake. his birthday was on the 6th. together with wad. just a small birthday party. its not even called a party. sadly, i have no chance to eat the cake.
and right now, im so tired. hehe thanks to tua for teaching me how to ride that red thing. keep on rocking peeps. love love
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