is it just me or is the temperature increasing drastically today? it's hot! i wonder how those staying back for the march pass thing doing. panas wah tu. or maybe its because someone's birthday today :P hahaha
Happy Birthday Hanif Han :)
blablabla... i said much sudah tadi. but thats not just it. i have lots of things to write for you. hehe. nanti lah ah.
also, happy belated to those who celebrated their birthdays last month and yesterday yesterday. sorry havent been updating this blog. i was totally booked by mpr tests and homeworks. i wonder berapa juta homeworks nanti for this two weeks holiday :\ i repeat, two weeks! in a day, macam two sub-topics of homeworks sudah kana bagi. times 14 days? 28?? heaven! who am i to complain anyway. the more i complain, the more homeworks will be given. hisssh. in other words, second term holiday won't be called a "holiday" at all.
i love school today. well, kinda. first period was geography. me and falah were so happy to know that fatin didn't get accepted to technical school. hahaha why? because if she's moving, it'll be me and falah saja tinggal. since si abdul pun pindah tia jua kan. beulah. haha. so we are going to be the three-some. the one yg selalu kana bully oleh sir. oh OH! finally! sir said that aku pintar!! wohooooo!!! payah wah tu kan dapat ia puji urang. lol. tapi umi lah yg jarih tadi. she didnt do anything, then sir said something which i think it was really pain in the ass. oh well, sabar saja :)
second period, ps. nyra fell asleep in her physic's class so she wrote something on her tudong instead of a paper, so we spent half an hour in the toilet drying her tudong. hahaha cali lah. after ps, break, then maths. i kept laughing pasal si amir becali. so did afiq and zaki. pacah eh durang ani. zigzag! ahahhaaha okay you dont get me do you? my math homeworks, two exercises!! due tuesday pulang, tapi heh. next class, gp! groupwork. i spent my lunch time with afiq, naim and puding. we were talking about songs aaaaall the way. for an hour. haha rupanya there are songs that mengantul arah us ah. like it cant seduce you or something. whatever lah.
last thursday was a day to remember. it was siuuk. hehe nothing happened actually, but there were just things that touched me. ceeeh. hhaha okay, news? i know who anonymous is!!! HAHAHA. bah, enough about school. i miss najwan and someone. hey you, lately you've been showing yourself up to me. why? nevermind why. its just that it takes time to actually get over you. and that time is not even close yet! for like what? one year now? i must be crazy. well i am. hoping and wishing and all that. sigh.
hypocrites around the corner! just because your life sucks, get off mine! :) i didnt mention any names tu ah. so dont go bising bising arah cbox. kalau terasa, diam saja.
haiyo so many paragraphs. ani last ni, tadi wah........... ke ai eh!!! macam, aaah cute wah! berabis! heee. alright that's it. good day people.
"i just got to say it all before i go"
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